Friday, April 23, 2010

In this last presentation I did not have any problems. For the most part all the activities that we have done throughout the semester have been a lot of help. I feel good about this class, I am glad that we are required to take it becuase it really helps us learn how we are going to manage our classes. I like the class overall and I feel all that we did was organized and well taken cared. In this class I learned about blogs, powerpoint, enhanced excel skills, learned about journals in my major, and many more. I strongly agree that teachers must know about technology and how they can intergrate it. It is not just about what you know but how you presented and teach it, therefore is good to know how to use technology in the classroom.

Friday, March 5, 2010

It is important for everyone to keep up with technology. Technology is changing everyday and if we do not stay with it we are going to struggle in our jobs and daily life. Educators should be into technology, because there technology keeps playing an important role in education. Internet, computers, blogs, text message, instant message, and other technology have made education easier and more effective than ever before.

Personally, I do feel instant messaging can be a distraction in the attempt of finding ways for educational communication. Although, I also think that there could be a way in which chat and instant messaging can be effective. Since my major is Kinesiology and I will most likely go in coaching, then I will not be using chat or instant messaging. Chat and instant messaging can be helpful, but I think it is going to depend on the student’s way to use it.

I think there is a benefit on using asynchronous text based, because some students feel better asking question without having to stand out. Usually in a classroom setting, students are a little nervous about asking questions and these way students will feel free to ask any questions. At the same time there is a con, students should learn to develop social skills in the classroom and the only way is to be exposed to it. I believe there should be a combination of both in order for students to feel acceptable and also grow in their social skills in the classroom.

I think it’s more like a tool for sending information, now I do not think is the best option. In the near future this may be something that teachers may be using, because of the fact that not every student has an iPod.

I think videogames can help, but it is important to know how to use them. Students like to have fun and sometimes having fun can keep them away from learning. In the future, I do think I will let my children play videogames but only for a short period of time and after they have completed their priorities like homework and doing chores.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One of the best qualities that a teacher can have, in my opinion, is to teach every student in the class. It is important to know that every student has a different type of learning process. Some students may learn better by visual, hearing, interacting among others. After doing this test I do think it will help me in my future to know how to approach all the students, and help them learn what is expected. It may take some time to know the students personalities but in the end it will pay off. Once I find out their personality it should be easier to encourage them and easier to engaged them into learning activities.

Adriel Gonzalez

Thursday, February 11, 2010


The use of a spreadsheet can be useful in the classroom. As we know time can be limited during class and even during the school day, therefore it is important that we learn to minimize the amount of time. Without a doubt I would use a spreadsheet as a teacher. It will help me organize and calculate many things in class. Obviously grades are one of the most important factors, but other things can be solved with the use of a spreadsheet.

One of the great advantages of a spreadsheet is that you can calculate grades. That means that you do not need a calculator, which is a lot easier for the teacher. Otherwise the teacher would still have to be solving and typing the answers in the computer. As a future Physical Education teacher I would use it to keep track of workouts, times, amount of weights, and many more. Spreadsheet will definitely help me in my career.


Friday, February 5, 2010

After watching the inspiration video, I found a lot of easier ways to organize a classroom. Overall, I am fascinated about inspiration, it has many features and it can be used in many subjects not just one. Most of the times we tend to be afraid of new technology because we feel it is really hard to understand, but inspiration seems to be a neat and easy program to control. I would use inspiration to organize ideas, prepare classes, and help students write papers. I would use it because it is a simple and useful program that will make things work better.

I think almost every kind of writing assignment can be done with the help of inspiration. One of my favorite things was the concept maps. Concept maps are very helpful at separating ideas and putting them in order. With the help of inspiration, students can be more organize, save time, and students will be more encourage to be involved in the assignment. Students can also get in groups and see their concept maps and perhaps get different ideas of how to organize their writing. With the help of inspiration, I could present the concept map and give them the example of how they can organize their assignments. As a tennis coach, when I first started coaching, I definitely did not know as much as I know now. I now know how to approach different personality types, and teach them the best way that is best for them. I do know the skill better than I use to.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chp 6 Blogs

After reading chapter 6, I found very interesting, all the things that can be accomplished with a blog account. I personally think its great to use blogs. There is a lot of things that can be done with a blog, for example, learning outside of class. Teachers and students can communicate and share opinions with the whole class without being in class. At the same time people can post any kind of information such as reminders and due dates. I do not think blogs are a waste of time, but I guess it depends on how students use them. I see a lot more benefits than wasting time. I like the fact that teachers can post videos of experiences and this can help the students understand any topics. In the book it talks about science teachers posting physics videos, but I feel like any teacher can actually post educational video. I think that if blogs are used correctly, there will be many benefits to the class in general.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Adriel Gonzalez

Hello everyone,
My name is Adriel Gonzalez and in the next few lines I will introduce myself. First of all, I was born in Mexico and I have been here in the United States for almost eleven years. I have two older brothers and a younger sister. This is my second semester at Texas A&M Commerce, and I transfer from Eastfield College where I completed my basic courses. My major is Kinesiology with an all teacher certification, and Counseling. In my free time I like to play sports and just spend time with my friends. My favorite sports are tennis and soccer, but I like to play most sports for fun.